Working From Home

Spring is a time of warm rains and bright flowers. Daffodils are the official sign that winter is over and the days are getting longer. Who could have possibly guessed that Spring 2020 would introduce something that would touch every single person in the world? Adjusting to the “New Normal” means
staying home, wearing masks and gloves when we go to the grocery store and ordering take out. But you don’t need me to tell you that. We’re all living it.

The store is used to customers strolling in, checking out the new merchandise, trying on dresses, and maybe exchanging a little gossip 😉.

But this year it’s different. We kinda skipped Spring. And it snowed. In April. Instead of in-store shopping, it’s on-line shopping and Instagram, a far cry from the country store that first opened in 1959.

I have been overwhelmed by the kindness extended by the people around me. Whether it’s a customer who reached out to me, a clothing
line that wants to know how we’re doing, or simply another Main Street neighbor chatting about biz, we really are in this together.

I can’t wait to re-open the store, but in the meantime, the on-line store is open 24/7. You can reach me anytime. Really. I’m available!! I’m #workingfromhome like everyone else.

See you soon,


Julie KalisThe Grey Colt